What is our mission:
We help patients with obstructive sleep apnea / OSA /, or suffering from severe snoring who do not want or have contraindications for wearing CPAP devices.
For them we offer oral appliances. They are small, compact, portable and inconspicuous when worn at night.
We help medical professionals to improve in caring for their patients.
We make anti-teeth squeezing and gnashing devices /night, day or combined wear/
We make professional protective splints for sport.
Our protocol for OSA treatment includes:
Evaluation of patient's candidacy for oral therapy with our appliances.
elaboration of apparatus and test phase of the unit.
Re-testing of the patient with device in laboratory for sleep study to ensure a fair and successful long-term results.
CPAP devices are recognized as "gold standard" for treatment of OSA. That's why it is a challenge that a significant percentage of patients are insufferable or do not want to use CPAP.
We have a solution.
FDA approved oral devices to treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, introducing clinically effective therapy with oral appliances.
Oral appliances for OSA are:
Effective: they reduce or eliminate snoring and symptoms of daytime sleepiness.
Affordable: patient fee is from 400 BGN to 600 BGN, including two checkups with adjustment of the sets, if necessary.
Compact: There is a pocket-sized solution for lovers of tourism and camping.
Safe: FDA-approved after a long-term biocompatibility tests.
Fast production: - up to 48 hours.
Comfortable: Most of the patients carry the camera all night within the first few nights. The occurrence of pain in the jaw is rare and is eliminated by appropriate adjustment of the device. The device may be used in all sleeping positions.
Aesthetic: there is almost no change of facial shapes when the device is placed.
For more information contact us