1986 - Dr Iliya Yanev graduates at the Medical Academy "Ivan P. Pavlov"- Plovdiv - Stomatoloical faculty.
1986 - 1991
- Works as a stomatologist in a state practice. May 1991 - Began private practice in the city of Plovdiv.
13 October 2012 - Has attended Х Congress of Bulgarian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry. Theoretical course titled: Eight hours with Dr. Menchel - temporomandibular dysfunction and orofacial pain.
10 March 2012 - Dental seminar on topics: Save or extract. The magic of MTA. How to manage our dental practice. With lector Dr. Jan Berghmans, Belgium
30 April 2011 - Participated in the workshop: AGF: Hidden codes in dental proportions. Lecturers - Alberto Battistelli and Dr. Dario Severino, authors of the book "AGF: Modelling"
29 September - 2 October 2010 - Sofia Dental Meeting Prof. Andon Filtchev Bite registration techniques treatment of TMD syndromes dental sleep medicine. Dr. Jamison Spencer
6 June 2010 - The practical course in Applications of botox in the facial region. Dr. Redaelli Alessio, Dr. Costa Ezio, Dr. Dflapchieva Galina
5 June 2010 - The practical course in Applications of fillers and Biorevitalizations in the facial region Dr. Redaelli Alessio, Dr. Costa Ezio, Dr. Dflapchieva Galina
4 June 2010 - Theoretical course in Facial and smile aesthetics Dr. Redaelli Alessio, Dr. Costa Ezio, Dr. Dflapchieva Galina
12-13 March 2010 - Has successfully completed the Syneron clinical course for the Laser Assisted Aesthetics procedures. Lector – Prof. Dr. Mark Levin
12 February 2010 - Theoretical course in Facial and smile aesthetics Dr. Redaelli Alessio, Dr. Costa Ezio, Dr. Dflapchieva Galina.
14 November 2009 - Seminar on "Invisalign" - a hit in dentistry of the XXI Century "- organizing the California Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, Center for Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry" Medical Dent.
5-6 June 2009 - Basics of dental management level II - lecturer Jennifer de St. George Jd SC International Inc, USA.
13 March 2009 - Conference of Nordic countries on issues of dental implantology.
03 April 2009 - Lecture "Direct Aesthetic Restoration" with speaker Prof. Dr. Sergei Radlinski.
24-25 October 2008 - Fall Training Seminar 2008 with speaker Dr. Irina Kibenko, Dr. Ivan Minchev and Dr. Rosen Venelinov.
2008 - A specialization in Antogyr central office in France,entitled "Higher efficiency in implantology with Anthogyr implant sysytem"Dr.Micel Aparis, Mr.Alexandre Bienfat.
2007 - Has attended the lecture and the hands on "Non-Surgical and Surgical Applications of Piezo-Ultrasonics in Daily Dental Practice", Drs. Marie Grace P. Michel, Periodontist /Rennes-France/, Dr. David Mattioni,
Periodontist /Rennes-France/.
2007 - "Endodontic Treatment and Biologic imperatives", Dr Jean-Philippe Mallet, Dental practice limited to Endodontics, Vice President of the French Societ of Endodontics.
2007 - Has attended the III Internation Congress of Reconstructive Dental Medicine.
2006 - Has attended the 6th Scientific Congress of the Association of Dentist in Bulgaria.
2006 - Has attended the July morning - a traditional meeting on the topic of "The aesthetic stomatology in the XXI century - challenge and reallity",Dr. Gernot Morich and Dr.Norbert Zorgel.
2006 - Has attended professional qualification cource "Indirect Porcelain Restoration and CAD CAM Technology",Dr. Robert E. Kovarik, D.M.D., M.S., Chairman
Department Oral health Practice University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.
2005 - A cource in "The fundamentals of stomatological menigment. Contemporary accents of the market circles. D-r Dimitar Tenchev, Associate Professor of Iconomics and Menagment.
2005 - A participation in the Second International Congress of Oral implantology and Periodontal Surgery.
2005 - Has attended the 1st GC-Forum.BG "Paradigm Shift in the Modern Restorative Dentistry".
2004 - A course in implantology system T. B. R. 2nd level
2004 - A specialization in implantology system "ANTHOGYR" - Dr.Vermenlen - France.
2004 - A participation in the First Balkan Congress of Odontoprosthetic Implantology.
2004 - "An aesthetic methods of treatment in parodontology and implantology", Associate Professor Dr. Siril Sedara, Bordeaux/France/.
2003 - A course in implantology system T. B. R. 1st level Dr. Michel Aparis - France.
2003 - A course in "Analysis and treatment of the functional disturbances of the masticatory organ "led by Prof Dr Dr F.Bollmann,head of Department of Prosthetic Dentistry,MF-Wilhelms University-Munster,Germany.
2001 - A course in parodontal surgery "Rote ASTHEETIK" under the guidance of Dr. G. Morig - Germany.
2000 - A course in parodontal surgery under the guidance of Professor Mark Danan - Paris 5, France.
1997 - A course in implantology SIP System under the guidance of academician N. Popov - Sofia.
1997- Acknowledged speciality "Common stomatology".
Participant in a range of congresses on Aesthetic stomatology of The Scientific Society and The Class Organisation.
A regular member of SSB and The Parodontal and Oral Implantology Association.
Professional interests - implantology, aesthetic, cosmetic and reconstructive stomatology.
Hobby - sport - swimming, skiing, cinology.
14 Belgrad Str., Plovdiv, BULGARIA tel. +359 886747085 office@sanodent-bg.com |