Dr Zhelyazka Kostadinova Yaneva
Born in 1961 З. in the small and pretty borough of Elhovo.
1985 A graduate from the Stomatological Faculty VMI - Plovdiv.
From 1985 till 1992 works as a dentist in public practice.
In 1990 she graduated a course in "Common stomatology" and in 1997 - a second intensive course at VMI - Plovdiv.
In February, 1992 - started work at her own private practice in the city of Plovdiv.
She started participating in numerous courses -qualifications in different areas of the stomatological profession. Takes a particular interest in the area of therapeutic and child' stomatology.
21-23 September 2012 - Has participated in the First National endodontic forum organized by the Faculty of Dental Medicine, MA, Plovdiv.
10 March 2012 - Dental seminar on topics: Save or extract. The magic of MTA. How to manage our dental practice. With lector Dr. Jan Berghmans, Belgium
21-22 October 2011 - Has participated in the VI Congress of Restorative Dentistry.
29 September -2 October 2010 - Sofia Dental Meeting Prof. Andon Filtchev.
12 February 2010 - Theoretical course in Facial and smile aesthetics Dr. Redaelli Alessio, Dr. Costa Ezio, Dr. Dflapchieva Galina.
14 November 2009 - Seminar on "Invisalign" - a hit in dentistry of the XXI Century "- lecturer Dr. Mina Levy, the California Center for Aesthetic Dentistry.
06 November 2009 - Art of Endodontics. Endodontics system based drink with new GT Series X-machine tools, and N-Were GTX 3D shutter shutters lecturer and leading practical course - Professor R. Buchanan - a lecturer Densplay Mailiffer.
26 September 2009 - New technologies in non-surgical endodontics. Working with ultrasonic nozzles Start-X machine tools, lecturer and host of practical course Prof. Giuseppe Kantatore.
5-6 June 2009 - Basics of dental management level II - lecturer Jennifer de St. George Jd SC International Inc, USA.
03 April 2009 - Lecture "Direct Aesthetic Restoration" with speaker Prof. Dr. Sergei Radlinski.
13 March 2009 - Fourth Conference of the Nordic countries on issues of dental implantology. 2008 Etiology and zhitogeneza of allergic diseases with manifestations in the oral cavity - Prof others. Angelina Kiselov.
13-14 November 2008 - Dental Symposium Root canals retreatment . Innovations in dental instruments. European standards on sterilization.
24-25 October 2008 - Workshops Autumn 2008 with speaker Dr. Irina Kibenko, Dr. Ivan Minchev and Dr. Rosen Venelinov.
2008 - Practical cource - 2nd level - "Mechanical root canal instrumentation tehnique", Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium.
2008 - Practical cource - 3nd level - "3D root canal obturation", Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium.
2008 - Has attended a symposium on the topic of " Its time to practice bussiness" by Jennifer M. de St. Georges. Organized by MBConsult Sofia, Bulgaria, March 22nd 2008
2007 - Has attended the lecture and the hands on "Non-Surgical and Surgical Applications of Piezo-Ultrasonics in Daily Dental Practice", Drs. Marie Grace P. Michel, Periodontist /Rennes-France/, Dr. David Mattioni,
Periodontist /Rennes-France/.
2007 - Has obtained professional qualification on the topic of "Endodontic Treatment and Biologic imperatives", Dr Jean-Philippe Mallet, Dental practice limited to Endodontics, Vice
President of the French Societ of Endodontics.
2007 - Has attended the III Internation Congress of Reconstructive Dental Medicine.
2007 - Has attended the endodontic meeting on the topic of "Endodontic treatment planning, problem solving.The bodrerline between endodontic and implantology.", Prof. Dr. De Moore.
2006 - Has obtained professional qualification on topic of "Mechanical Root canal Instrumentation", Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium.
2006 - A cource in "An Individual Psychological Approach to the Stomatological Patient", Associate Professor Tinka Miteva, Associate Professor
Pavlina Petkova, Dr. Ventzislav Stoev, Ms.Verginia Zaharieva.
2006 - An Endodontic cource in ""A balanced force" technique for manual curved root canal treatment", Dr. S.Yancheva.
2006 - An Endodontic cource in - "Crown-Down method for root canal preparation with mechanical instruments", Dr. Zhanet Kirilova.
2006 - An Endodontic cource in - "Contemporary methods of root canal fill in - cold and warm condensation" Dr. Sevda Yancheva, Dr.Zhanet Kirilova.
2006 - Has attended the 6th Scientific Congress of the Association of Dentist in Bulgaria.
2006 - Has attended the July morning - a traditional meeting on the topic of "The aesthetic stomatology in the XXI century - challenge and reallity",Dr. Gernot Morich and Dr.Norbert Zorgel.
2006 - Has attended the clinical seminar "Endodontic treatment of uncompleted root growth teeth ", Associate Professor M. Kukleva.
2006 - Has obtained professional qualification on the topic of practical course "Mechanical root canal instrumentation and 3D Obturation",Dr. Philippe Sleiman, DDS, DVA, Msc Endodontist.
2006 - Has obtained professional qualification on the topic of "Endodontic treatment, retreatment and implants. New techniques for improved NiTi rotary instrumentation and obturation",
Dr. Ivan Yovchev, Chairman of Bulgarioan Endodontic Society.
2006 - Has obtained professional qualification on the topic of "3D root canal obturation", Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium.
2005 A cource in "The fundamentals of stomatological menigment. Contemporary accents of the market circles. D-r Dimitar Tenchev, Associate Professor
of Iconomics and Menagment.
2005 - Has attended the 1st GC-Forum.BG "Paradigm Shift in the Modern Restorative Dentistry"
2005 - Has attended the Scientific conference for the 100th Anniversary of organized stomatology in Bulgaria," Profylaxis and Treatment of Stomatological Diseases".
2005 - Has attended the stomatological congress on topic of "Manula Treatment ot the Curved Root Canals", Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium
2005 - Has attended the stomatological congress on topic of "The principles and Techniques of Manual Root Canals Treatment",Dr.Jan Berghmans, Belgium
2005 - Has attended the stomatological congress on topic of "Modern Trends in Root Canal Treatment",Dr. Philippe Sleiman.
2004 - A course in "Parodontal Diseases Treatment" under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Theresa Djhemileva.
2004 "Contemporary local anestetics.Contemporary methods for local anaesthesia in stomatology, Dr. Stoyan Ivanov.
2003 - A course in "Stratificationtechnique-the magic of anterior teeth restoration. Warm gutta percha filling techniques. Bleaching vital and non-vital teeth" Pr.Dr. H.Slutzky /Tel Aviv University/ Pr.Dr. J.Moshonov /Hebrew University/
2003 - A course in "Analysis and treatment of the functional disturbances of the masticatory organ" led by Prof Dr Dr F.Bollmann, head of Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, MF-Wilhelms University-Munster, Germany.
2002 - 2003 - the 18th and 19th congress of Bulgarian Scientific Stomatologic Society.
2002 - 2003 - Participated in series of lectures of the Orthodontic Society.
2002 - Graduated a course in art therapy under the guidance of professor Marike - Holland.
2001 - A course in Orthodontic diagnostics and prophylaxis in child temporary dentition, biometric and RO methods-MSU - 2000 Sofia.
2001 - International congress of Aesthetic Stomatology.
2000 - Full theoretical and practical course in "Root Canal Treatment by Continuous Rotation" under the guidance of Professor Goshua Moshonov - Herbo University - Jerusalem.
1998 - A course in "Milk and Permanent Teeth Endodontia".
1998 - A participation in Parodontology symposium under the guidance of professor Mark Danan - France.
A regular member of
Bulgarian Dental Association- www.bzs.bg .
A founder-member of Bulgarian Endodontic Society - beo-bg.org.
In the present time keeps her improvement in regional, Balkan and international congresses and exhibitions.
Professional interests - Endodontia (Root Treatment) and children.s' stomatological medication. Dr. Yaneva is in for inculcating modern and elaborated methods of the world stomatological practice.
Hobby - ski, tourism, art-therapy and psychology.
14 Belgrad Str., Plovdiv, BULGARIA, tel. +359 886747085
office@sanodent-bg.com |